Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Ogon Bat

There are few specific memories from childhood that always stuck with me. One of them is playing with a model toy at my cousin's house in Hong Kong. I didn't even know the name of the character. It was a gold figure with a skull face wearing a black cape. He's inside a black coffin and when you open the lid and push a button, he would stand straight up. When my mom told me it's time to go, I cried and want to take the toy with me. She had to purchased the toy from my cousin so I would go home. This moment always stay with me. Mostly because of what my mom did for me.... the toy was just part of that story.

Fast forward to a few days ago. Just doing a little web surfing and I ran into a ebay listing for a unassemble (still in the original box) Ogon Bat model. The name didn't mean anything to me but the pictures hit me like a ton of bricks. It's the same toy that I cried over so many years ago! I felt like I was in a time wrap and seeing a old buddy that I thought I would never see again. Wow... I could totally spend the bucks and purchase a piece of my childhood back (this time with my own money).... but I decide not to get it. The reality is: if I did buy that model kit, I would never open it or put the toy together. There are only few of them left in the world.... there is no enjoyment to own something like that.

So I pay tribute to that moment in my youth with a fan art and instead of spending money on a toy that I can't play with, I'll probably take my folks out to dim sum this weekend. :)

Find out more about Ogon Bat (aka: Golden Bat, Phantaman, or Phantoma) click HERE!

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