Monday, June 09, 2008

Olympia Comics Festival report

Here are some pictures I took at the festival. The building is The Vault, a dance club that they opened up the windows and let some sunlight in. You can see the stage on the right where they had live music and interviews. The artists tables are on the dance floor section. It was really nice to see some many indie artists. Michel Gagne was there and I spend a few minutes chatting with him. Other feature artist include Jeffery Brown and Jim Woodring. Actually, that's Jim on the stage in the photo doing his interview.

So that was the front area and my table is in the back...which is on the left of this picture. The pool table was pushed back to allow for more tables for the cartoonists. Can you spot my table in the picture below? It's over in the right corner.... right next to the men's bathroom. I got lots of traffic right by my table... too bad they all have other things in mind then to look at my books. ;)

Here's a closer look at my table. I didn't take too many things down there. Just my Betsy Mae Bite, Atomic Lead #3, and my pins. Because I was at the very back... I couldn't hear any of the interviews. That was okay... I just talk to the other folks around me.

Overall, it was a good experience. I always want to be in the festival and glad I could finally do it this year. The Vault is a really good building and fit the artists, crowd, and atmosphere. I really hope this will turn into a big indie comic show for the pacific northwest.

Check back later in the week for sketches I did at the festival.

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