Sunday, December 21, 2008

Frozen in Seattle

12-21, Day 4 of the snow in: Here's a quick concept of Seattle with tons of snow! It's not that bad.... well, you might have a different opinion if you were driving in it. ;)

12-22, Day 5: What the hell? There's more snow today!


  1. Anonymous7:06 PM

    I think your pix is spot on! 18" and counting here on a hill in Redmond. Didn't lose power in the wind last night-whew! It's STILL snowing!!!
    (from Leslie)

  2. Crazy innit?!? ;)

    We're going on day 12 here, most our snow came this past weekend, got up to 12 inches with some ice mixed in... they say 1-4 more inches tomorrow, with rain and warmer temps maybe, at last, by the weekend :)

  3. Crazy indeed! At least we didn't lose power.
