Dr. Manhattan – Billy Crudup
Laurie Juspeczyki/the Silk Spectre – Malin Akerman
Adrien Veidt/Ozymandias – Matthew Goode
Nite-Owl – Patrick Wilson
The Comedian - Jeffrey Dean Morgan
You can download the entire book for FREE at WOWIO.com. This site is pretty cool and lots of other comics and books to download at no cost. You do need to register with them to get the download. The comic is split into two part because of the length and I think I'm in the second part (Frame Works part 2). Since it's free, just download both! (Frame Works part 1) :) If you want the actual comic (The comic is full color at 50 plus pages.)... the book will be available at Indy Planet ... you can also purchase Betsy Mae Bite #1 at that site too (shameless plug).
Here's the first page of my story. The text is not there but you can see how the story begin to split off.
Click HERE to download this story and others for free.
Hope you like it.