Thursday, January 19, 2006

Kamen Rider: the First

When I lived in Hong Kong, I would watch dubbed version of live action Japanese superhero shows like the Power Rangers. The monster's costumes were kinda bad and there's really no story. Just good old fashion good guys beating on the bad guys....pretty campy but I love it.

Kamen Riders were one of the first of these type of shows. They still making them in Japan. Last November, they remade the first Kamen Riders into a movie. Check out their official website.

I'll be the first in line to get the dvd when/ if it ever release in the US.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Rain and more rain!

I think it's been raining like 24 days straight now in Seattle. It's kinda depressing. Guess that's the price we pay for all the green trees in the northwest.

Anyway, the sketch is just a doodle when I was watching tv.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Aeon Flux

This is the pencil drawing for Aeon... the live action movie version. You can see the colored art on my website in the fan art gallery.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Battlestar Galactica

When I first heard about a new Battlestar Galactica series... I rolled my eyes and thought it's going to be another cheesy scifi show. By chance, I stumble on to the pilot mini-series and got hooked right away. The show is really well done, the cast is great, and the story keeps you coming back for more. It's a really dark story and right off the bat, the Cylon kicked the human's behind. There's no hope for the good guys to win... the best that they can hope for is a clean escape, which makes every little victory all the more important.

New episodes are starting this Friday (Jan. 6th) on the Scifi channel. Don't miss it!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

A'OK... NOT!

More then 10 years ago, I drew a 4 issue mini-series called, "A'ok." The first issue did okay, but the other three... didn't do so good. I was a rookie and bitten off more then I can handle. Let's just say... its not my best work. Plus, back then... I did everything by hand (lettering, talk balloons, air brush cover) even the tones were cut with an x-acto blade. Now that's old school.

Monday, January 02, 2006


I was looking at Angelina Jolie on the over of a magazine when I drew this. It sorta... kinda look like her but not really. Anyway, this was done a while ago when Mr. and Mrs. Smith was in the theater. Turns out this was one of those big celeb news of 2005 with the whole Brad and Jen split.

Oh... about the grey strip on the left side of the pic, that's the binder in my sketch book. Adjusting the levels after scanning didn't help so I gave up and left it in.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year!

Wow... it's another year time pass. 2006 is looking pretty busy for me... got couple of comic projects that need to be completed, Emerald Comic Con is in Apirl (see Atomic Lead blog on the right), and the day job is gear up. Doesn't look like I'll have any free time till June!

Anyway, hope everyone have a great year!